Sunday 8 February 2009

Week Five - Sunday Club goes east

after much mid week deliberation, there were high hopes that the majority of team ellis could come together for a group run. Alas, Bailey wasn't ill enough, Chris was too ill with knee-knack and we are not entirely sure if Pat actually exists so once again, our wide-eyed innocent from tulse towers was tricked into a one on one session with the spring heeled devils from new eltham heights. It was with sinking heart that I arrived at HQ Philo, as I began to realise I was going to spend a lot of time looking at lyrac'd mens bottoms, as James & Tom disappeared off into the distance.

still at least I could rely on my perfect preparation to give me a fighting chance on hanging onto the brothers grimm coat-tails this time. So I assembled at the start line secure in the knowledge that the 6 bulmers, 2 pints and half glass of red wine necked the night before would provide a solid carb base for the 14 mile nightmare in front of me. Or I'd be at least halfway round before I sobered up....artistic impression of miles 1-3 supplied above

We were heading off on the infamous docklands dash - a route starting off at design central in Old Street, down to Tower Bridge, along the marathon route to the canary wharf, once round the block and then back to the City, stopping only briefly to throw rocks and insults at the bankers. The wharf is widely regarded as the worst part of the marathon and I can wholeheartedly agree with this following todays experience, although not having run any other part so far, I'm not sure this can be taken as a definitive fact.

Still, there were highlights along the way - wellclose street, grenade road
and james speeding up to imperiously overtake another sunday runner only to inadvertently tak
e a wrong turn mid maneuver and slink back to the pack tail between legs all raised a laugh, and it felt great to finish. another sunday down, only 10 more to go before the main event...

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