Sunday 22 February 2009

As if the emirates wasn't bad enough already...

So yeah. The Emirates. A hulking mass of steel, concrete and glass which routinely makes way more money than anfield each week, and Liverpool haven't won away there yet. It was already right up there with baghdad, a james blunt gig and Chris's underwear drawer as places that all things being equal, I'd rather avoid. However, James somehow managed to make it even less appealing...a sprint interval training around the stadium, mmm.

There was one upside. Bailey made a rare journey norf to join tommo, jim, chris and myself for the session, bringing high tech gadgets, training knowhow and an ability to look much better in lycra then the rest of us combined. Pat had also confirmed and we couldn't wait to see how he'd get on. Alas, in a shock last minute Cabinet reshuffle, he was called into the government and he had to rush off for cocoa and a cosy chat at No. 10. Best of luck mate!

After we had reassured sloane ranger Bailey that she hadnt emerged in lebanon and north London always looked like this, we set off on a steady jog up to the stadium. Unfortunately chris twanged his work-string and was marooned at the office surrounded by deadlines, but Tom, Jim, Bailey and me set off on 8 punishing speed laps, with 1 minute jog recoverys inbetween. Approx 4 miles of hard running later Jim had barely broken sweat but the rest of us were lying in a heap at gate K. However, a few drinks later, kindly provided by coach mcdermott, we were on our way back, tired but chuffed at getting the session done. And delighted to put the Emirates behind us...

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