Wednesday 4 February 2009

A destroyed woman!

So we all love the snow but to be honest it is not great for the old training schedule, and as I don't have access to a treadmill, some bright spark suggested I did one of my workout dvds. Seemed like a good idea. So I cleared my lounge got my water, weights and mat ready and switched on a bit of Nell McAndrew.

And today....I am destroyed! The woman is a machine! I cannot move any part of my body without pain striking through me! The thought of getting up to get something off the printer at work is making me sweat with fear!

As someone in my office pointed out to me, the name of the workout is called the 'ultimate challenge' and to be fair that should have been warning enough. Move over Tough Guy, Nell is hardcore!! No wonder the woman runs marathons with the ellite!
And do I now look like Nell on the dvd cover....hell no! I am half the woman I use to be. Back to the icy roads for me.

Gemma (formely Shera)

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