Monday 23 February 2009

Week err... Eight, Seven?: Saturday Club

With Chris and his Ski-knack, Matt in deepest Windsor, Tom still suffering knee-knack and the girls preparing for the Brighton Half on Sunday, James and Pat were the only two available for Saturday club this week and planned a run into Kent's beautiful countryside for fresh air and daisy-picking.

Just before they met up to start, Pat was told he was up for Best Supporting Actor at Sunday night's Oscars and was whisked off to Hollywood, best of luck with that mate! So James set off alone into The Garden of England along the A20.

The scenic route took in Crittals Corner roundabout, the famous Sidcup DFS, the hard shoulder of the M20 and Swanley's delapidated shopping centre before our intrepid explorder found greenery by the slip road at junction 3 of the M25.

With one hour down on his run, James found himself at the top of London Road hill with another five minutes to run. Pausing briefly to take in the great view of actual countryside and desperately trying to think of somewhere else to turn, he found there was no other option but to jog down to Farningham and turn round for the slog back up. James made it past the Red Lion, avoided stopping off for a pint, finally felt real countryside under his runners then turned 180 degrees and made his way back along the concrete highway home.

The route ended up at seventeen-and-a-half long miles and James spent the rest of the afternoon recovering on the sofa in a coma-like state, waking briefly to cough up a lung-full of exhaust fumes, wishing he had entered the 13mile race the following day.


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