Thursday 26 February 2009

Brighton Belles

You would be forgiven for thinking Gemma and Bailey were planning an endurance ski event in Switzerland from the photos of the hotel room they stayed in on Saturday night. In fact Brigton's famous seafront saw the first competitive Team Ellis event of the season in the Sussex Beacon half marathon.

Along with six thousand other runners, the girls set off and passed the pier, smiling their way through the first of their thirteen miles. They raced into town, negotiating their way through the smaller streets before flying out onto the seafront again.

Team Ellis were putting in a good early pace which they managed to sustain to the halfway point before begining to push for home. Driven on by the prospect of personal bests, Bailey finished in a fantastic 1.38 and thoroughly enjoyed her celebratory Hot Chocolate. Gemma managed to smash a whole twenty minutes off her previous time and clocked in at an amazing 1.50. Training in Richmond Park is obviously going very well.

As we discussed at the finish, the girls have laid down a serious challenge for the boys to match in Hastings next month. The pressure is on chaps.

The race was a great success and goes to show if you want to be a record breaker, dedication is what you need, either that or the prospect of chips at the finish! You can see all the photos on the flickr site, click any of the photos on the justgiving page (

Well d
one Sarah and Gemma, great efforts. Roll on April.

Monday 23 February 2009

Week err... Eight, Seven?: Saturday Club

With Chris and his Ski-knack, Matt in deepest Windsor, Tom still suffering knee-knack and the girls preparing for the Brighton Half on Sunday, James and Pat were the only two available for Saturday club this week and planned a run into Kent's beautiful countryside for fresh air and daisy-picking.

Just before they met up to start, Pat was told he was up for Best Supporting Actor at Sunday night's Oscars and was whisked off to Hollywood, best of luck with that mate! So James set off alone into The Garden of England along the A20.

The scenic route took in Crittals Corner roundabout, the famous Sidcup DFS, the hard shoulder of the M20 and Swanley's delapidated shopping centre before our intrepid explorder found greenery by the slip road at junction 3 of the M25.

With one hour down on his run, James found himself at the top of London Road hill with another five minutes to run. Pausing briefly to take in the great view of actual countryside and desperately trying to think of somewhere else to turn, he found there was no other option but to jog down to Farningham and turn round for the slog back up. James made it past the Red Lion, avoided stopping off for a pint, finally felt real countryside under his runners then turned 180 degrees and made his way back along the concrete highway home.

The route ended up at seventeen-and-a-half long miles and James spent the rest of the afternoon recovering on the sofa in a coma-like state, waking briefly to cough up a lung-full of exhaust fumes, wishing he had entered the 13mile race the following day.


Sunday 22 February 2009

As if the emirates wasn't bad enough already...

So yeah. The Emirates. A hulking mass of steel, concrete and glass which routinely makes way more money than anfield each week, and Liverpool haven't won away there yet. It was already right up there with baghdad, a james blunt gig and Chris's underwear drawer as places that all things being equal, I'd rather avoid. However, James somehow managed to make it even less appealing...a sprint interval training around the stadium, mmm.

There was one upside. Bailey made a rare journey norf to join tommo, jim, chris and myself for the session, bringing high tech gadgets, training knowhow and an ability to look much better in lycra then the rest of us combined. Pat had also confirmed and we couldn't wait to see how he'd get on. Alas, in a shock last minute Cabinet reshuffle, he was called into the government and he had to rush off for cocoa and a cosy chat at No. 10. Best of luck mate!

After we had reassured sloane ranger Bailey that she hadnt emerged in lebanon and north London always looked like this, we set off on a steady jog up to the stadium. Unfortunately chris twanged his work-string and was marooned at the office surrounded by deadlines, but Tom, Jim, Bailey and me set off on 8 punishing speed laps, with 1 minute jog recoverys inbetween. Approx 4 miles of hard running later Jim had barely broken sweat but the rest of us were lying in a heap at gate K. However, a few drinks later, kindly provided by coach mcdermott, we were on our way back, tired but chuffed at getting the session done. And delighted to put the Emirates behind us...

Friday 20 February 2009

valentines run

So i woke up on valentines to flowers, breakfast in bed and a lazy day....ok rewind, i am dreaming again...reality was 15 miles in the cold around richmond romantic!! well actually it was romantic when sarah presented me with a heart cookie and a picnic at the end of the 15 miler..i couldnt have been happier! it was a great finish to a long run - thanks sarah!

So the heart biscuits were a very nice touch but sarah has now taken our friendship to another level. Apparently this is the last room available in brighton for the half marathon, need i say more tiger?!! yes that really is a fury bed cover!!

bring on the half!!!

Gemma x

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Week Six: Saturday Club

Important lessons were learned this weekend, the most vital being that disappearing off for four or five hours to chase lycra-clad blonde girls around Richmond Park is not to be suggested on Valentine’s day. Therefore last minute changes were made to James’ plans and instead of the Richmond Run he instead set out on the ‘Greenwich Grovel’, a testing two hour route designed to make one think about ones actions whilst suffering blisters and burning thighs.

Leaving Eltham Heights full of righteous indignation, James was carried by his martyrdom through Blackheath and into Greenwich, it was only when halfway up the Docklands Tunnel stairs when calf twinges began to chip away at his self-belief. By the time he had circled Canary Wharf, descended and ascended the 100-odd steps in the Pedestrian Tunnel of Doom for a second time and then climbed the hill back up to the Royal Observatory, he was a broken man. Water-boarding has nothing on this. From here on in it was all he could do to repeat his name and regiment at each corner until he had completed his sixteen and a half mile route.

Fortunately for James there was a truce upon reaching the finish where he, his blisters and bleeding toes were welcomed back without too much of a retreat required. The papers were signed from a hot bath and peace reigned upon marathon land once again.

Friday 13 February 2009

Three Thousand Club

This Friday has been a pretty quiet one for fundraising, I get the feeling the team felt it was time to give you lot a break from our incessant begging. This was no doubt aided by the fact that thanks to you all Team Ellis hit their weekly target late on Wednesday night and could slow the pace, drop their arms, relax and enjoy the crowds at the finish as they came through to the end of the week. Three thousand pounds in three hectic weeks is an amazing total, thank you to everyone yet again. All of you in One Thousand Club, Two Thousand Club and the new kids who helped to create Three Thousand Club, welcome to the gang.

We’ll need to get something of a second wind to push on to four thousand pounds next week but if we manage that then we’re a third of the way there, Old Jamaica Road if you like. This weekend promises much in the way of updates and photography. James will be heading over to Richmond to join Gemma and Bailey on the Valentines Day… V… V… (I’ll think of something), Matt is going solo on Sunday morning whilst Chris is competing and is currently the bookies favorite for the Tonbridge Half Marathon.

In other news Tom is still suffering with Knee-Knack and has been advised to rest up, Chris will be putting his own recovered Knee-Knack to the test and Pat will be ducking and diving as usual to avoid actually seeing anyone else in the team. Gemma has recovered from Calf-Knack and will be racing round Richmond whilst Bails has put her hangover behind her and is looking forward to a hot chocolate at the end of the 15 miles we’re planning.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Same view, different arses

go steady, they said. we'll take it easy, they said. its about the time not the speed, they said. which is why we set off at 7min/mile, uphill, on a cold wednesday night, for 60 mins of wet north London estates. brilliant.
the get-mac-hammered campaign had come together beautifully again, as the attrition of the working day had reduced team ellis from a healthy looking seven to a bare bones three. bailey was the first to go, citing job-knack, closely followed by stevo with calf-knack and tom with goat-knack. pat was odds on right up till the last minute until he got a late call to replace kelly brook on britain's got talent. best of luck mate!

chris, jim and myself set off from philo hq, with jimmy gonzales and johnny new boy motoring mcd setting the almost suicidal pace and me tagging on behind, once again with an eyeful I'd rather not have. taking in all the beautiful sites of north London, including the art deco architecture of youlookin'atme estate, teenagepregnancy heights and knifecrime corner, we headed up to the cock tavern, around emirates, took an unnecessarily long time looping back round and headed home via what appeared to be a totally superfluous hill but actually turned out as the right way. Btw, sorry about the ancient mayan curse I invoked on you going up that jim, hope it wears off soon.
despite getting slightly lost, falling over in front of a group of girls, and starting the agonising process of losing the big toe nail on my left foot, had a blast and great to be running, all be it 300m behind them, with jim and chris - highly recommended team! hope y'all get better for the next one.


Monday 9 February 2009

Two Thousand Club

We didnt think it was possible to match let alone better last weeks fundraising total but you guys proved us wrong. By the end of the day on Friday the second week total stood at a massive £2,450 which not only smashed our previous personal best from last week but also set us on our way to next week's target.

At the time of posting even this gargantuan total looks like it may amazingly be eclipsed in week three, but for now a big thank you to everyone who gave time and money to donate to us in the past seven days.

It means a great deal to us all so thank you and welcome to our
Two Thousand Club.

Meet the experts at Marathon Expo

Team Ellis were represented at the Meet the Experts event on Saturday and listenned intently as organisers including the great David Bedford explained their roles, as well as giving some top tips on what to expect on race day and the best way to prepare.

Matt took the opportunity to undergo scientific-type tests which measured every possible aspect of his stride and then recommended the most expensive model of shoe to compliment this. Most of the willing guinea pigs for this revolutionary testing and analysis seemed to be buying the most expensive of the offered shoes which was odd.

After listenning carefully to talks on everything from Fundraising to Injuries and kit to the logistics of hosting the event the afternoon ended with Matt trying hard to stiffle merciless laughter as the Lucozade representative told hilarious one liners such as 'You're more likely to drown than dehydrate on the marathon course', 'there are 750,000 bottles of water available around the course' and 'you'd have to be an absolute idiot to avoid drinking in the 2007 event'.

What a joker...


Sunday 8 February 2009

Week Five - Sunday Club goes east

after much mid week deliberation, there were high hopes that the majority of team ellis could come together for a group run. Alas, Bailey wasn't ill enough, Chris was too ill with knee-knack and we are not entirely sure if Pat actually exists so once again, our wide-eyed innocent from tulse towers was tricked into a one on one session with the spring heeled devils from new eltham heights. It was with sinking heart that I arrived at HQ Philo, as I began to realise I was going to spend a lot of time looking at lyrac'd mens bottoms, as James & Tom disappeared off into the distance.

still at least I could rely on my perfect preparation to give me a fighting chance on hanging onto the brothers grimm coat-tails this time. So I assembled at the start line secure in the knowledge that the 6 bulmers, 2 pints and half glass of red wine necked the night before would provide a solid carb base for the 14 mile nightmare in front of me. Or I'd be at least halfway round before I sobered up....artistic impression of miles 1-3 supplied above

We were heading off on the infamous docklands dash - a route starting off at design central in Old Street, down to Tower Bridge, along the marathon route to the canary wharf, once round the block and then back to the City, stopping only briefly to throw rocks and insults at the bankers. The wharf is widely regarded as the worst part of the marathon and I can wholeheartedly agree with this following todays experience, although not having run any other part so far, I'm not sure this can be taken as a definitive fact.

Still, there were highlights along the way - wellclose street, grenade road
and james speeding up to imperiously overtake another sunday runner only to inadvertently tak
e a wrong turn mid maneuver and slink back to the pack tail between legs all raised a laugh, and it felt great to finish. another sunday down, only 10 more to go before the main event...

Thursday 5 February 2009

Week Three: Sunday Club

The New Eltham contingent drove out to the wildlands of Cray Valley to begin their run this Sunday and with the new territory to contend with they also found themselves having to think of witty responses to the delightful inhabitants of Orpington's own brand of encouragement. Tom and James managed to contain their laughter as various hoodies, yoofs and scallies came up with hilarious one-liners such as 'Jog on mate', 'Run Forrest' and the sheer genius and yet inspiring 'You running pri**s'.

Mind you the ingenuity of the supportive chants paled into insignificance as the first of the snow began to fall on the course of the 'Petts Wood Pacer'. Along the way the boys went off road and shared the track with a selection of Chislehurst's angriest dogs and unfortunately had to splash through mud, dirtying their brand new gleaming trainers.

Safely back at home wrapped up in jumpers, Team Ellis enjoyed the last laugh as Orpington's very own Jasper Carrots, Bernard Mannings and Jim Davidsons sat huddled around a a hamburger for warmth outside McDonalds.

All in all, it was a testing 12 miles and the boys are looking forward to a quieter, flatter and less-filled-with-rabid-canines run next weekend.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Mr McD Cross Trains!

Morning guy's hope you are all safe and well after the fantastic snow we saw over the weekend? I was regretting the decision not to clear our garden path this morning as I went arse over elbow this morning on the way to work!

Running has been off the agenda for the last week following the aggravated knee injury sustained last weekend while taking a scenic 12 mile run through the inner city beauty spots of Loughborugh Junction, Stockwell, Steatham and Sydenham.

I have however taken to the water and the bike to keep the momentum going.

To keep your enthusiasm going I attach a lovely photo mid 26 mile bike ride on Sunday unfortunately the poor photography does not catch the extremely snow blizzard I encountered climbing the huge mountain up to the BakerBerkshires house.

Keep steady on your toes!

A destroyed woman!

So we all love the snow but to be honest it is not great for the old training schedule, and as I don't have access to a treadmill, some bright spark suggested I did one of my workout dvds. Seemed like a good idea. So I cleared my lounge got my water, weights and mat ready and switched on a bit of Nell McAndrew.

And today....I am destroyed! The woman is a machine! I cannot move any part of my body without pain striking through me! The thought of getting up to get something off the printer at work is making me sweat with fear!

As someone in my office pointed out to me, the name of the workout is called the 'ultimate challenge' and to be fair that should have been warning enough. Move over Tough Guy, Nell is hardcore!! No wonder the woman runs marathons with the ellite!
And do I now look like Nell on the dvd cover....hell no! I am half the woman I use to be. Back to the icy roads for me.

Gemma (formely Shera)