Tuesday 21 April 2009

26 things learnt in the past 5 months.

1. arcade fire & doves make the best running music
2. flaming lips make the worst
3. crossing 2 drains doesn't mean good luck. (see nr 24)
4. it IS possible to run slower than a walker up shooters hill
5. cafes in docklands dont let you use their toilets for free
6. shopkeepers in docklands dont let you use their toilets for free
7. pubs in docklands dont let you use their toilets for free
8. running with a full bladder is hard
9. pat hort is a master salesman (see nr 16)
10. duck if you dont want to hit your head in greenwich foot tunnel
11. sitting in the emirates is much more fun than running 12 laps of it
12. woolwich high street is no place for runners
13. if she doesn't make it in banking, bailey can make twice as much in baking
14. don't let your scaletrix cars go for cheap, they are worth big money
15. 2 doctors, a nurse & a physio can do no better for kneeknack than resting can
16. people at bootfairs will buy 6 year old sunderland away kits
17. give james an inch on an uphill & he'll take a mile
18. never do laps of avery hill park, passing the new eltham grill once is hard enough
19. schoolkids are all height-ist
20. don't trust jimbos sense of direction in tooting
21. jaegerbombs do nothing for your fitness
22. never go running when the last song you heard on the radio was flo-rider
23. the new eltham joggers are machines
24. you can't outrun the smell of dog poo on shoes
25. cold baths are equally as unforgiving as the hill in greewich park 
26. mac in full length lycra is a glorious sight 

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