Monday 2 March 2009

Thursday night rehydration

This week has been a busy one for Team Ellis with a steady 16 mile run on Saturday for the boys, a 13 mile race in Brighton on Sunday for the girls, a 10 minute warm down on Monday, a fast 9 miles on Wednesday and the prospect of a long 17 mile run home on Friday night to contend with.

Therefore on Thursday after Gemma, Matt and James had completed their steady thirty minute lap round Regents Park they decided that a well deserved pint in Camden's famous Hawley Arms was in ord
er. Gemma and her new rusty-barnet polished off a quick drink and a bag of dry roasted before sensibly heading for home. The boys however agreed that another wouldnt delay them too much... and then another would hardly keep them too long...

Waking on Friday morning James and Matt were shocked by the severity of the hangover t
hat greeted them. Not to mention the palm-sweating fear induced by the realisation that the aforementioned 17 mile run was still firmly scribbled in the diary for that evening.

Tune in later to see how the boys get on after their strict Kronenburg, peanuts and chips preparation diet

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