Monday 26 January 2009

Bailey and Stevo carb it up!

After a Friday night hitting soho and ending up in a banging club the girls really know how to have fun….we wish!!! Friday night was spent eating pasta bake and pic ‘n’ mix and then we managed to roll ourselves and our food babies down to the cinema, the film went on and on and on, so the early night we really needed didn’t quite happen!

Saturday morning…we woke up bright and breezy and hit the road at 8.30am. The pain of waking up so early and the freezing weather was clearly evident on both our faces as we both gave each the look of ‘what the hell are we doing?!’ Despite the moans by Gemma about her unusual muscle pain, the run went smoothly and we were both back at home by 10.30am fake tanning and preparing for our girl’s weekendsJ

Victory all round again!!! Bring on the marathon!

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